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European Market

European Market of Flavors of Europe, 21st edition, products & flavors of Europe and beyond.

Come to the Hotel Lem Casadei in Cervia during the European September Market! A sea of ​​perfumes and European specialties await you!

In the historic center of Cervia shopping becomes international! It takes place on the second weekend of September and offers the opportunity to get to know the cultures and customs of various countries in Europe and beyond. Over 100 itinerant traders from all over Europe and from the Italian regions meet in Cervia to offer typical products of gastronomy and crafts from their places of origin. Among the collateral events not to be missed: the musical concert of the Town Music Band, an exhibition of painting in collaboration with the Menocchio Association, an exhibition of works by the painter Piero Bartolini and a photographic exhibition created by the Cervese Photographic Circle.

How was it born European Market?

To simply define the European Market, we can define it as an exhibition-market organized in public areas, in which sellers from European Union countries participate. In reality they are much more because they give added value to the country, attracting much more people than the classic municipal events. There are about a hundred foreign banks, while the representatives of the Italian regional specificities are around twenty.

The European Markets have always distinguished themselves for a series of collateral activities carried out alongside local associations. Thanks to their support, photographic exhibitions, animation activities, performances by street artists, bands and folk groups, solidarity collections are never lacking.

The event takes place in Piazza Andrea Costa in Cervia.

Photo <a href=’https://it.freepik.com/foto/cibo’>Cibo foto creata da bearfotos – it.freepik.com</a>

Look our crazy offers for September!



September 12 @ 10:00 am - September 14 @ 12:00 pm